Kokiri Sword
The Kokiri Sword is Link's very first blade. It's one of the treasures of the Kokiri and thus hidden within the village. The sword isn't terrible large - almost a knife instead - but it is the perfect size for child Link. |
Razor Sword
The Master Sword is the only weapon that can defeat the King of Evil. The almighty weapon is perfect for an adult Link and you will be using it for a good portion of the game. It is located in the Temple of Time but locked behind a door that requires all three Spirtual Stones to open. |
Gilded Sword
The Biggoron's Sword is larger and more powerful than even the legendary Master Sword - twice as powerful, in fact. It's major drawback though is due to it's large size, Link has to use both hands to wield it which means he loses the ability to also use a shield. However the extra damage dealt by the Biggoron's Sword can end a fight fater, making a shield less necessary. |
Crafted from the wood of the mighty Deku Tree, the Deku Shield is the first shield that Link obtains. It is very vulnerable to fire and will be destroyed if it gets near a flame. You buy it for 40 rupees in the Kokiri Shop. |
Mirror Shield
Your second shield and most used. It at least can withstand heat elements, but as a kid it's pretty useless except in Dodongo's Cavern. You can buy it in the shop in Hyrule Castle Market as a kid or you can find it beneath a grave in the graveyard for free. As an adult it's available in Kakariko Village and Kokiri Forest. |
Deku Sticks
The Deku Stick is a common item used both as a weapon and as a tool. You can use swing it like your sword, but it tends to break easily. It is far more useful to use these to light torches or to start a fire. Deku Babas would commonly leave these behind when killed, or you can find them in the shops. |
Deku Nuts
When thrown, Deku Nuts explode with a flash bright enough to stun some enemies. Can be found under stones, in bushes, or even some enemies will drop these for you. |
Ocarina of Time
Thrown to you by Princess Zelda when you go to meet her after your quest to find the Spiritual Stones. The Ocarina of Time replaces the Fairy Ocarina and with this instrument you have the power of opening the Door of Time in the Temple of Time. |
Lens of Truth
Found in the well in Kakariko Village after you've drained the well of it's water. This lens has the amazing ability to allow you to peer through fake walls and see invisible items. Using this item consumes small amount of your magic power over time. |
One of the many staples of the Zelda series, you first find the Bomb Flowers on Death Mountain. To be able to pick Bomb Flowers, Darunia gives Link the Goron's Bracelet. You need the Bomb Bag from Dodongo's Cavern to keep a supply of Bombs on Link. |
The Bombchu is a mechanical mouse that Link can use to carry a bomb to a target that is out of reach. The Bombchu can climb up walls and reach other areas that Link can't. As child Link, you can buy these from a shop in the back alley of Hyrule Castle Market at night. As an adult, you come across these in chests. |
Magic Beans
These are being sold by the Magic Bean Seller at Zora's River and only 10 seeds are available. The price increases by ten after each Magic Bean is sold. Their only purpose is to plant them in soft soil plots as child Link and to ride the plant later as an adult to reach previous unaccessable areas. |
When Link reaches adulthood, he is unable to use his Slingshot. Instead, he is able to use the more powerful Fairy Bow once he finds it in the Forest Temple. It is able to shoot three types of magical arrows. |
Fire Arrow
The Fire Arrow shoots a large fireball and explodes on contact. These are useful at melting ice and lighting torches. Shoot an arrow into the sun in the morning at Lake Hylia to make the arrow appear on a platform, but make sure the Lake is filled with water again or you won't be able to reach the platform. |
Ice Arrow
The Ice Arrow is useful at freezing enemies, encasing them inside a immobling block of ice. This is given to Link as the ultimate prize in the Gerudo Training Center. |
Light Arrow
The Light Arrow requires twice the magic power of the Fire and Ice arrows, but caused more damage to enemies and is the ultimate weapon against evil. It is given to you by Princess Zelda once you have acquired all the spiritual stones. |
The hookshot is a hook attached to the end of a long chain. Link can use this as a weapon or as a grapple to grab objects or to swing across gaps. The find the Hookshot, adult Link must enter Dampé's Grave where Dample challenges Link to a race. If Link is able to keep up with Dampé, Dampé will reward Link with the Hookshot. |
Glass bottles are useful for carrying milk, potions, fairies, or other useful things. There are four bottles to find in the game, and all can be found by following this guide. |
Gold Skulltula Tokens
A curse has befallen a greedy family of Kakariko Village, imprisoning them in mutant arachnid bodies until enough spider tokens can be found to break the spell and free them. Link can find these tokens when he destroys a Gold Skulltula which is hidden throughout the world. Our guide to find all of these is here. |
Heart Pieces
Heart pieces can be found hidden in various places around Hyrule. Gathering four of these would increase Link's life meter by one heart. There are a total of 36 heart pieces in the wild, and our guide to finding them all is here. |
Heart Containers
Heart Containers are full sized Heart Pieces and increase Link's life meter by one heart when found. These are obtained after defeating the main bosses in all the dungeons. |
Dungeon Map
Dungeon Maps are obviously found inside the dungeons. These helpful items will allow you to see where all the rooms are inside a dungeon and together with the Compass prevent Link from getting lost. |
Magic Jars
Magic Jars replenish Link's magic meter. Magic Jars are dropped by fallen enemies and found in chests. They cannot be stored and they are used as soon as Link touches them. |
The Compass compliments the Dungeon Maps and can be found in each of the main dungeons of the game. The compass allows Link to know where hidden treasures are, as well as Link himself is located. |
Small Keys
Numerous Small Keys are found inside the dungeons and are used to open locked doors to enable access to further areas inside the dungeons. |
Big Keys
Big Keys, or Boss Keys, are used to enter the final area inside a dungeon to fight the main bosses. There is only one of these per dungeon, and are generally found near the end of the level. |